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Contract Analytics

AI-powered Contract Analytics

Visualization and analytics dashboards out of the box. Transform contract data into real-time, actionable insights

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Digitize contracts with Terzo's AI to find answers you need to optimize costs, reduce risk, improve governance, and make smarter business decisions.

Use Cases

Optimize spend

With our inventory intelligence tab, you can quickly see areas to consolidate and rationalize across your entire supplier ecosystem.

Improve contract governance

Keep tabs on contract expiration and renewal dates. Our new renewal calendar view makes this undervalued element of contract management very easy.

Reduce risk

With the help of our contract heat map, you can quickly identify risk across both high-risk and low-risk contracts, and take action.

Streamline reporting with high-quality, accurate data

Businesses can lose up to 40% of contract value due to poor governance

Contract governance is a complex process. Siloed data and poor collaboration force teams to be reactive and value is lost.

Product Features


Customize reports and dashboards and easily filter down to sophisticated data sets in just a few clicks.


Budgeting & Forecasting

All critical financial terms of your contracts like payment terms, billing terms, discount, ACV, TCV, ramp pricing, and more all in a clean visualization.

Budgeting & Forecasting

Risk & Compliance

Our compliance grading paired with sophisticated AI clause extraction helps you quickly identify risk and take action.

Risk & Compliance


Product and SKU-level data points that make it easy to identify areas to reduce cost, rationalize spend, and consolidate contracts.

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Save thousands of hours

Access data in minutes, not weeks. Cut down on 30%-40% of your time spent looking for data with automated reporting

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